Acoustic Stew is a band with very old roots. Made up of five players with many years experience in a variety of styles, playing everything from roots blues to contemporary light rock. Born in the jam sessions sponsored by the Blues Society of Central Pennsylvania, Acoustic Stew brings a unique voice and sweet sound to the local music scene. Our play list includes roots blues and blues standards as well as a mixture of folk rock, ballads and just plain good stuff.
Acoustic Stew has developed a unique, blues-based sound that is as comfortable in more intimate venues as it is in outdoor events. We have an excellent sound system and maintain a volume level that ensures our audience can enjoy the music with clarity and full fidelity, without sacrificing the ability to enjoy each other’s company.
We are based in Harrisburg, PA, and feature the finger-picking guitar and vocals of Rocky Rothrock, mixed with guitar, vocals and resonator guitar of Bob Wineland. Add the rock-solid bass of Dave Harris, season heavily with the fiddle virtuosity and vocals of Marianna Schaffer and the rock solid percussion of Dave Nailor and you have the Stew. We are all acoustic, but we lay down a smooth groove that will have you tappin’ your feet! Visit our Music Page for free music samples, then check out our schedule and come out to see us!
Also, check out Acoustic Stew on our Facebook page and ReverbNation page!
E-mail Acoustic Stew at acousticstew@mac.com